Gourmet Pickled Garlic Cloves

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Discounts Available!!  We offer a 10% discount on orders of $45.00 to $79.99 and a 15% discount on orders of $80.00 or more. You are welcome to mix or match items.  All items must be shipped to one address in one shipment.  Your discount is automatically applied.


  • Out of stock
    Habanero Pickled Garlic Cloves

    Habanero Pickled Garlic Cloves

    Habanero Pickled Garlic Cloves

    Heat level 10 on a scale of 0 to 10 (from mild to very hot)

    Jar size 16 oz.

  • Italian Style Garlic Cloves

    Italian Style Garlic Cloves

    Italian Style Garlic Cloves

    5.0 average, based on 1 reviews
    Folks had been asking for a larger version of our popular Italian seasoned California garlic cloves so here it is! He…
  • Out of stock
    Jalapeno Pickled Garlic Cloves

    Jalapeno Pickled Garlic Cloves

    Jalapeno Pickled Garlic Cloves

    Heat level 5 to 6 on a scale from 0 to 10 (from mild to very hot)

    Jar size 16 oz.

  • Out of stock
    Spicy Pickled Garlic Cloves

    Spicy Pickled Garlic Cloves

    Spicy Pickled Garlic Cloves

    Heat level 3 to 4 on a scale of 0 to 10 (from mild to very hot) Jar size 16 oz.
  • Smoked Garlic Cloves

    Smoked Garlic Cloves

    Smoked Garlic Cloves

    We are big fans of California garlic cloves and love the flavor of smoked foods. Putting together two of our favorite fl…